Fri 3rd May - Mon 6th May, 2024

Ty Powdwr Bank Holiday fun time weekend (incl. Alpine training)

Jessica Pealing

Stevie G

Jessica Pealing

Okidoki KMC’ers, it’s an early summer Bank holiday extended w/e, so why not ‘come-on-down’ to our wonderful Ty Powdwr hut for some fun time action?   Walk, climb, scramble, cycle, swim, or maybe just a Llyn side stroll with cafe & cake stop.  The choices are endless, whatever tickles your fancy.  Oh and of course, plenty of social mix-n-mingle chita-chata fun & banter too!

The weekend will also include two days (Sunday & Monday) of alpine training which Jared has been good enough to organise (attendees now confirmed), details of which have previously been advertised/communicated, additionally included within the Zermatt alpine meet promo – extract from this below.

The weathers going to be peachy, so pack your bags, arrange some joined-up car sharing (gota do our bit for the carbon footprint) and get yourselves over to North Wales.  It’ll be great to see folk – let’s make it a goodin!

Happy days!

Jess & Stevie G.


Alpine training details…

The club is running two alpine skills courses in advance of the Zermatt meet. The courses are being led by Llanberis based British Mountain Guide, Andy Teasdale, on Sunday 5th and Monday 6th May 2024. This is the weekend of the KMC Bank Holiday meet at Ty Powdwr and the courses will run out of the clubs’ hut.

Sunday 5th April: Technical Alpine mountaineering

There are many techniques of moving while roped in the mountains. Which technique is used depends on the terrain, and since the terrain changes often in the mountains, being able to dynamically change the rope system is the key to climbing efficiently. This can make the difference between a slick and fun ascent, or a 20-hour epic! This course will teach/revise these rope techniques and put them to use in technical mountain environments. It is an often overlooked topic but essential for all mountaineers. 

Monday 6th April: Glacier Travel and Crevasse Rescue

Approaching alpine summits is often by glacier and the risk of falling into crevasses is real. This course teaches/revises good practice for glacier travel and the rescue systems needed in case the worst should happen. This is an essential course for all those wishing to head out onto glaciated terrain. The topic should be revised before every alpine trip and is highly advised.

The courses are subsidised by the KMC grant scheme and are being offered at £40pppd. Bookings are open to full and associate members and there are initially 8 places available per day. If you would like to book a place, please contact the meet leader.

PERSONAL NOTE: £80 for a two full days training in alpine climbing with a BMG is a great deal and a great opportunity! Even if you have learned these skills before, coming to revise and ask questions is a valuable learning experience. It is highly recommended!

Steve Graham

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