Steve going for a slap on Kelly's Shelf (Photo: Dave Dillon)  

Roger's enormous tackle (Dave Dillon)
The Sandwedge (Simon Robertshaw)
The Photo Shoot (Dave Dillon)
Steve going for a slap on Kelly's Shelf (Dave Dillon)
Philip on The Sloth (Simon Robertshaw)
Philip under the roof of The Sloth (Dave Dillon)
Mark giving his feet a rest on The Sloth (Dave Dillon)
and onwards, cruising up The Sloth (Dave Dillon)
Knot inspection time (Simon Robertshaw)
Dave discovers a second rope... (Simon Robertshaw)
Roger on Right Route (Simon Robertshaw)
Andy finishing the top of Crack and Corner (Simon Robertshaw)
Dimitris applying limestone boulder techniques for the finale (Dave Dillon)
Gareth on Wombat (Dave Dillon)
Mark on the tower of Damascus Crack (Dave Dillon)
A well happy belayer (Dave Dillon)
Kevin on Saul's Crack (Dave Dillon)
Andy, taking bets (Simon Robertshaw)
Dimitris, feeling grit, thinking limestone (Simon Robertshaw)
Gareth - feeling like an animal on Wombat E2 5c (Lucie Williams)
Lucie belaying Dave up P1 of Pedestal Route HVD 4a (Dimitris P)
Lucie stretching onto the slab P2 Pedestal Route (Dimitris P)
Chris on Pedestal Route (Dave Dillon)

Roaches (Newcomers climbing meet I)

Excellent turnout with 24 members and guests in total.

Members: Gareth Williams, Lucie Crouch, Dave Wylie, Roger Dyke, James Williams, Dave Dillon, Simon Robertshaw, Andy Stratford, Al Metelko, Steve Graham, Nick Adamson, Bob Kelly plus late arrivals Dave Shotton, Kate Harvey, plus even later arrivals Kevin Anderson, Rob Clark.

Guests: Philip Jarvis, Clare Hodgson, Mark Pilling, Chris Morrow, Caity Rice, Andrew, Dimitris and Clare.


The fair weather brought the climbing contingent out in force, along with a good few new faces - Philip Jarvis deserving a special mention as his warm up route was The Sloth.

Caity Rice & Clare both did their first lead routes on Prow Cracks (VDiff) and Right Route (VDiff) among others.

Butty of the day award to Clare Hodgson for her full loaf, gutted of bread then stuffed with the entire contents of a six person Greek salad….

Most falls awards went to Gareth with at least 5 from The Wombat (E2 5b) - and still no success! Philip managed to come off Wings of Unreason (E4 6b)… and scraped the floor… Andy fell on the crux of Saul’s crack but did manage to finish it.

Fantastic to see Roger Dyke (see website pics) still out climbing on 3 routes - Right Route, Inverted Staircase and Maud's Garden.

Other routes climbed by the group included West's Wallaby, Pedestal Route, Damascus Crack, Jeffcoat's Chimney, Jeffcoat's Buttress, Crack and Corner, Kelly’s Shelf, Central Route, Black & Tans, Technical Slab, Breakfast Corner, Square Chimney.

Andy Stratford
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