Did Somebody Say Something About A BBQ (Photo: Richard Yorke)  

Animals Enjoying The Beer (Richard Yorke)
Bluebird For Breakfast (Richard Yorke)
Café A Calling (Richard Yorke)
Did Somebody Say Something About A BBQ (Richard Yorke)
Dow Crag On Fire (Richard Yorke)
Happiness Is A Tent By Macpac (Richard Yorke)
Happy Campers (Richard Yorke)
I Could Do This All Day (Richard Yorke)
I'd Smile If It Wasn't So Wet (Richard Yorke)
Saturday Morning And All Is Well (Richard Yorke)
Waveys Water Carrier (Richard Yorke)
You'll Never Fit That In There (Richard Yorke)

Dow Crag wild camp & climb

As meet leader I believe its important to provide encouragement and support to expedition members; so having established base camp in my executive apartment in Carlisle; it was good to hear an update from Richard. At 10 pm I got the call...

"We're approaching Dow Crag ... its very windy ... and starting to rain .... when do you expect to get here?" he enquired.

"As soon as ... just getting the BBQ together" ... I instinctively shouted down the phone.

"It may be the morning now".

The howling wind clattered against the window making it difficult to hear his reply, but I am certain they were words of gratitude for my careful planning.

Sipping on my whiskey I felt content that my plan was coming together. From the window I could see, heavy curtains of rain sweeping across the fells. I looked to Annie; " I only wish I was with them; but I knew in my heart of hearts that our work here would be critical to the expedition.

Saturday morning the weather was indeed foul. Annie and I having to drink tea and eat cake in Coniston whilst we waited for a break in the weather. At 12 am our prayers were answered with blue sky and a warm sun; one could have been forgiven for thinking it was summer. By early afternoon Annie, myself and Heckler, approached Dow. Dave and Richard were half way up some classic route; whilst Katie, Trish and Wavey were undertaking some serious tea making.

Activities involved setting up tents; drinking tea, preparing the BBQ and sniffing sheep dung; the latter being mainly done by Heckler. Dave and Richard returned around 5pm; triumphant with a successful ascent.

The weather had taken a turn for the worst; the rain hammered down and the wind picked up; so as meet leader I decided to light the BBQ; on the menu : fish kebabs, pineapple, goat cheese salad, burgers and sausages complimented with a box of wine. For the two hours we battled against the elements...the charcoal spitting with disgust at being brought to such a god forsaken place.

The conditions forced people to retire early to their tents; with the exception of Wavey who had decided that it was the perfect night for Bivying!

Sunday morning, and more bad weather... though as Richard said " Never had he been so wet and miserable and yet had so much fun". Thanks for all those mad enough to attend ...the only question now is where do we go for Extreme BBQ 2008?

Attendees: Dave Bish, Katie, Trish Cranston, Wavey, Richard Yorke, Annie Pettifer, Heckler (Springer Spaniel), Roger Daley.

Roger Daley
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