Brackenclose (Photo: James Hoyle)  

Wastwater and Great Gable (Virginia Castick)
Midge Swimming (again) (Virginia Castick)
Gorse (Virginia Castick)
The elusive Broadcrag Tarn (Virginia Castick)
Al and Des on CB (Virginia Castick)
Brackenclose (James Hoyle)
Wasdale (James Hoyle)
Gearing Up (James Hoyle)
Climbing (James Hoyle)
Kasia (James Hoyle)

FRCC Brackenclose meet

KMC Members: Bob Anderson, James and Kasia Hoyle, Al Metelko, Trish Cranston, John & Virginia Castick, Dave Bish, Katie Horgan, Chris Thickett.

KMC Guests: Mike Freeman, Des Chadderton.

FRCC Members & Guests: Bernard, Josie and Claire Smith, Steve Lyon, Rich Cole, Dave Turner.

Bob and I arrived at the hut at lunch time on Friday to face a mystery. So what do you do in such circumstances? Yes, that's right! We hopped off up the nearest hill - Lingmell in this case! The Corridor Route and the pony track down Wasdale conveniently landed us at the Wasdale Head where we were able to buy the necessary 'Dutch Courage' to face the mystery lying in wait back at the hut. Thus enboldened, I counted again the number of names of 'unbooked' occupants in the hut register - eight! If everyone turned up that would mean there would be too many people. And this was my first FRCC meet and the committee will hang me up by the comestibles! Just when I was starting to control the panic, guess what? Two more turned up! Oh, heck!

Let's look at this again! Right! Two of the originals seem to have gone home. But that leaves six! Later that evening, three boozers returned from the pub and were only staying Friday night. And it appears the remaining three had not booked out when they left - so it was another bastard's comestibles that were going to be stretched! Hurray! Thus Rich and Dave were able to stay and become part of the meet whether they liked it or not.

Mike and Des were off before the streets were aired on Saturday morning and before many of us admitted to being awake. Just before dark they returned after climbing three routes on Scafell - Botterill's Slab, Hopkinson's Gully and Moss Ledge Direct. They could be described as happy but knackered.

Also on Scafell, Al and Trish did Moss Ghyll with Josie and Steve completing Slab and Groove. All seemed satisfied with their choices. The rain just about stayed away; the mist just about stayed away; the cold wind just about stayed away. These six were the only ones climbing on Scafell that day. Meanwhile, Rich and Dave enjoyed climbing New West on Pillar.

Bernard and Claire scrambled on Wistow Crags on Pillar then continued round the Mosedale horseshoe anticlockwise. On Scoat Fell they bumped into James, Kasia, Uncle Bob and myself. J & K were doing the horseshoe in a clockwise direction whilst U B and me were headed over Steeple and Haycock.

Late Saturday arrivals incuded John and Midge who had been bashing 'Birketts', seven in total, in the Devoke Water area. Also, Dave and Katie decided swarming all over the Scafells would be good late afternoon exercise.

Dave and Rich were first off on Sunday morning, intending to climb on Wallowbarrow on the way home. Star climbers on Sunday were Al and Des who ascended Central Buttress who in turn were photographed by John and Midge on their way to locate the highest tarn in the Lakes - Broad Crag Tarn near Mickledore.

However, it was the Napes, which had to brace itself again the onslaught of the meet. James, Kasia, Trish and Mike did Needle Ridge whilst the Smiths and Steve did Abbey Buttress. Nobody returned to the hut complaining!

Bob and I went to have a look at Pillar and caught a glimpse of Dave Bish wizzing round the Mosedale Horseshoe. Although feeling ill about the gills or head, Katie went runabout round about Illgill Head.

So, as you can see, the meet was something of a success with everyone impressed with the hut and the area. At least, that's what I'm claiming.

Chris Thickett
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